Insha Bint Bashir


Insha is an anthropologist with an interest in the interplay between politics, technology, memory, and identity. She earned her B.A. in Political Science from Aligarh Muslim University (2017), followed by an M.A. in Political Science (2019). Her educational journey took a significant turn when she joined the Young India Fellowship program at Ashoka University from 2019 to 2020, where she discovered a deep affinity for her chosen path. This experience guided her to pursue a master's degree in Liberal Arts with concentration in Anthropology from Ashoka University, which she completed in 2021. Her academic journey also involved collaborative work with the Henry Luce Foundation, where she explored emergent forms of surveillance and censorship.

At the University of Notre Dame, Insha's current research centers on the intersections of digital media infrastructure and misinformation as potent tools of statecraft. She investigates how these elements extend control into the online realm, shaping knowledge production to legitimize militarization and settler colonialism.

Insha also serves as a fellow at the Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame, further enriching her interdisciplinary research pursuits.