Wasal Naser Faqiryar


Wasal Naser Faqiryar is an alumnus of Kabul University, where he pursued his BA in Law and Political Science. He furthered his education by obtaining a diploma in Diplomacy and Political Science from the Institute of Diplomacy affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan. Faqiryar also holds a master's degree in Politics and Security from the OSCE Academy, as well as another master's degree in Anthropology, Urbanism, and International Development from the American University of Central Asia . In addition to his academic achievements, Faqiryar co-founded the Rumi Organization for Research, which serves as a platform for Afghan and international scholars to conduct academic research. Through this organization, he has actively supported the educational and professional paths of numerous Afghan youth through various programs.

Faqiryar's PhD project focuses on analyzing the images of the West in Afghan discourses. The project employs both diachronic and synchronic comparisons to conduct a comprehensive analysis. The diachronic comparison examines the influence of political changes in the relationship between Afghan elites and Western occupying powers on the images of the West over time. This analysis aims to provide insights into the evolution of the perception of the West in Afghanistan. On the other hand, the synchronic comparison aims to identify variations among different discursive constructs related to the West. By examining various discourses, the project seeks to explore the diversity of perspectives and representations of the West in Afghanistan.